The wonderful world of sisterhood: Meet Martine Groetaers, designer and colorist at Flamant and Marie-Chantal Groetaers, founder of RUE BLANCHE
For this last edition of entrepreneurship, we’d like to present to you Martine, designer and colorist at Flamant and Marie-Chantal, founder of Rue Blanche.
Growing up in a creative environment created by their mother, the two sisters naturally see themselves as two souls of artists expressing their passion in complete freedom. Fascinated by art and beautiful things, they felt the need to tell their own stories: one through soft brushstrokes (Martine) and the other through fiery cuts of fabrics (Marie-Chantal).
Their determination to share their know-how and creativity made them become entrepreneurs who have no fear to get their hands dirty. With distinct temperaments, they managed to follow a similar path based on the love of design, colours and aesthetics.
What do you like about entrepreneurship?
Martine: Being independent
Marie-Chantal: Putting an idea, a passion and lots of creativity together in complete freedom.
What is your motto as an entrepreneur?
M: The execution of my work in the field of creation.
M-Ch: ‘Love creating stories’ whether in fashion, interior design, garden, etc ...
If you had to give one advice to someone who wants to become an entrepreneur, what would it be?
M: Don’t be afraid to work and be well supported.
M-Ch: Rush headlong! while surrounding yourself with good people.
Younger, what did you dream to become?
M: A dancing star.
M-Ch: Be part of a circus troupe in my costume made of light.
How did you become an entrepreneur?
M: By being tenacious.
M-Ch: After a few years creating for others, I wanted to create for myself.
If you had to describe your job in one word, what would it be?
M: Colorist
M-Ch: I like creating silhouettes, so i would say 'balance'
M: My love for drawing and painting.
M-Ch: The passion of clothing.
Which entrepreneur do you admire the most?
M: My sister Marie-Chantal
M-C: Agnès B. Stylist, artist, philanthropist... Agnès is an inspiring woman who has been designing collections based on elegant simplicity, and working with artists through some amazing collaborations and exhibitions.
In another life, my sister would reincarnate in ...
M: A giraffe. Physically because she’s tall, thin with a long neck.
M-Ch: A doe, but not shy.
You do not know but my sister ...
M: is hilarious
M-Ch: dances very very well!
What is your best memory together?
M and M-Ch: Our trip to Argentina
Her cute sin?
M: The chic.
M-Ch: The little glass of rosé with good little things to nibble on.
The character trait that differentiates you?
M: my sister sees bigger than me ... in the spirit of enterprise.
M-Ch: I go for it, unlike my sister who is more on the reserve.
The character trait that you both have?
M: The family spirit.
M-Ch: Being secretive and the love for decoration.
What would you steal from her?
M: Her far-away travels.
M-Ch: The art of holding a pencil, a paint brush.
If you have to describe your sister in one word?
M: Courageous
M-Ch: Artist