The wonderful world of sisterhood: Meet Laura, founder of ATELIER 365 and Hélène, freelance filmmaker
The sisters who are living their passion are inspiring and above all, we look up to them! Laura and Hélène Greindl have managed to jump into the world of entrepreneurship thanks to their willingness to take risks and live their experiences to the fullest.
Founded by Laura, Atelier 365 is an interior and furniture design office that organizes evening courses in cabinetmaking. With the intention to showcasing craftsmanship and local artisans, the furniture are designed and manufactured on-site in a simple way to respect the materials and preserve the essence of each pieces.
It’s by stealing her mom’s camera when she was a child that Hélène wanted to become a filmmaker. Always on the run to meet new people and find inspirations, Hélène is an intrepid and like to immerse herself into things that she loves. It is the subject/concept that matters the most. A camera, lenses, lighting are only tools to translate the story into a whole. The creative concept behind every story is where lies the true passion. Recently, she’s being working with her sister on some new video projects for Atelier 365.
We met the girls at Atelier 365. This place is the result of a long work which, thanks to their mom (a big admirer of carpentry know-how) they've learned to have a good eye for details and inherited the essential entrepreneurial tools to launch their business and gather captivating and passionate people around them.
What do you like about entrepreneurship?
Helene: My independence
Laura: Living my passion surrounded by people who inspire me. And of course, I like my autonomy.
What is your motto as an entrepreneur?
Helene: I don’t work, I just have fun!
Laura: Work hard, nothing fancy!
If you had to give one advice to someone who wants to become an entrepreneur, what would it be?
Helene: If you really believe in your project, don’t be afraid to do it. Do it with patience, organisation and dare to delegate.
Laura: To question yourself regularly and be curious.
Younger, what did you dream to become?
Helene: Stuntwoman. I was such a daredevil.
Laura: I wanted to become an architect.
How did you become an entrepreneur?
Helene: People asked me to work on more and more projects…
Laura: I organized myself to meet inspiring people who could help me to realize different projects i had.
If you would describe your job in one word?
Helene / Laura: Passion
Passionate sisters but also best friends, the girls love to spend time together. One is extrovert but concerned, the other is discreet but adventurous. They live their adventures thoroughly! Therefore, we got to know more about them by asking some fun questions.
In another life, my sister would reincarnate in ..
Laura: Nothing else, Helene is awesome like that, it would be a crime not to reincarnate her in herself.
Helene: I don't want my sister to be reincarnated. I won't have her on my side anymore.
You do not know but my sister ...
L: Hélène is a plane pilot, a drone pilot, a camerawoman. One wonders sometimes how she manages to do all this stuff with dexterity when you know she has two left hands.
H: Laura moves her furniture every week according to her moods. Her living room changed 6, 7 times last year ...
Your best memory together?
We would organize and rehearse shows for hours that we would present to the whole family in the evening.
We would spend our weekends building tree houses and making fires.
Your sister's obsession?
H: Laura collects stones and pebbles wherever she goes. She has them in her pockets, in her bag,… there is even a big rock she found in Brittany that’s been in her car for months (too heavy to bring it into her apartment).
L: Helen eats sardines at breakfast ...
The character trait that differentiates you:
Helene is calm and secretive while Laura speaks in an outspoken and authentic way.
The character traits that brings you together?
Taking risks, living and loving to the fullest, traveling to the end of the world and mainly: the ADVENTURE.
What would you steal from her?
H: The furniture of Atelier 365, even if Laura already uses my apartment as a showroom...
L: Her collection of overalls to put it in my workshop.
If you would define your sister in one word?
H: Authenticity!
L: Cool!